LI5640 (1mHz to 100kHz, 2nV Full-scale Multifunction Digital Lock-in Amplifier (Multifunction Type) with Phase Stability 0.01°/°C, Gain Stability ±100ppm/°C, Time Constant (at Minimum) 10µs and Built-in Oscillator)

型号系列: LI5600 [系列]


Lock-in Amplifier is used for detecting and measuring AC signal’s amplitude or phase buried in noise as high sensitive AC Voltmeter with noise immunity. For the DSP lock-in amplifier, NF has taken full advantage of the sophisticated computation capacities of digital signal processors, while significantly improving the speed for setting and response during measurement, the stability of output and the compatibility of data with computers, at the same time as pursuing operability and lower cost. NF has full confidence in its experience and know-how in lock-in amplifiers. The NF LI5600 Series Digital Lock-in Amplifiers are thus designed and used by many customers like in the fields of physics and science including spectroscopic analysis.