The ITECH IT8900 Series High Performance and High Power Programmable DC Electronic Load is a single channel high power programmable DC electronic load with high resolution and accuracy, multiple modes of operation, powerful programming function and superior performance. The IT8900 Series are composed of 15 models in overall modular design with high measurement resolution 1mV/1mA in max, CV/CC//CR/CP/CC+CV/CR-LED modes, Measurement function, List mode, remote sensing function, short-circuit function, transient over power loading capability, master-slave paralleling power expansion capability, battery discharge test function, 25kHz dynamic test, adjustable CV loop speed in voltage and current measurements for power supplies’ testing, , adjustable current rising/falling speed 10A/µs in max, the highest 50kHz testing speed of voltage and current and easy operation with display access keys, all providing the greatest test convenience for complex tests and solution easily and rapidly. The especial CR-LED mode supports LED driver test and provides programmable parameters for LED output measurement. Built-in LAN, USB, RS232, GPIB and external 0-10V analog control interfaces are designed for many fields such as power supply, power battery, DC charging station, generators, military and aerospace. The IT8900 Series are valuable high performance high power products; they are strong, smart and reliable high accuracy programmable DC electronic loads which are widely used in R&D, production and quality control testing lines and maintenance center in favorite for LED power driver test and multi-purpose power testing solution and application.